If the LOI form has been marked as feasible (in step 2) by the FDS Concierge, the Investigator can proceed with completing the Proposal form.
13) Within the request's Summary screen, click the "Create Proposal Form" button to initiate the Proposal form for the request (see Figure 12).

Figure 12: Click the "Create Proposal Form" Button
14) Confirm the action by clicking the "Yes" button in the popup confirmation window.
The Summary screen for the request will refresh with a confirmation message stating that the Proposal form was initiated, and the Investigator should proceed with completing the form.
15) Click the Edit choice from the action drop-down menu for the Proposal form (see Figure 13).

Figure 13: Click the Edit Choice for the Proposal Form
16) The screen will refresh to the Proposal form, which will be described below:
At the top of the Proposal form is the "Overview for Request" section (see Figure 14), and action buttons ("Back", "Save", and "Submit to FDS") beneath it.

Figure 14: The "Overview for Request" Section of the Proposal Form
Below the action buttons for the Proposal form is the "Administrative Information" section (see Figure 15).

Figure 15: The "Administrative Information" Section of the Proposal Form
Below the "Administration Information" section is the "Required Attachments" section (see Figure 16).

Figure 16: The "Required Attachments" Section of the Proposal Form
Below the Required Attachments section is the "Signature" section (see Figure 17). This field allows Investigators to electronically sign the form once all fields have been answered and all form validations have been addressed. Under the Signature section are action buttons ("Back", "Save", "Submit to FDS") for the Proposal form.

Figure 17: The "Signature" Section of the Proposal Form and Action Buttons
This concludes the description of the Proposal form.
17) The Investigator should proceed with completing all required fields in the Proposal form, and address all form validation messages, or save the form.
18) Once all required fields and form validations have been addressed, the Investigator must electronically sign the Proposal form before they can submit the Proposal form to the FDS Concierge for review. To electronically sign the form, click the "eSign"
button (see Figure 18), to open the electronic signature interface.

Figure 18: Click the "eSign" Button in the Proposal Form
The Investigator will enter their CTEP-IAM credentials in the electronic signature interface, and then click the "eSign" button to complete the electronic signature process for the Proposal form.
After the form has been electronically signed, the Signature section will refresh to indicate the electronic signature of the Investigator, along with the date and time that the electronic signature was captured.
19) Click the "Submit to FDS"
button to submit the proposal to the FDS Concierge for review. Click the "Yes" button in the confirmation popup to proceed with the submission process.
The form's status will be updated to "FDS_REVIEW", an email notification will be sent to the FDS Concierge informing them that the Proposal form is ready for them to review, and the user's screen will refresh to the request's Summary screen with a confirmation message.
After the Proposal submission form has been submitted to the FDS Concierge, the process can take one of several paths:
- The FDS Concierge (or CCSC) may have a question for the Investigator regarding the Proposal form, so the form would be returned to the Investigator with a comment or question.
- Further review may be needed by the CCSC; the form's status would remain in a CCSC_REVIEW status, and the Proposal form's decision would temporarily be "Approval on Hold".
- The CCSC could make the determination that the Proposal form should be disapproved, under which the FDS Concierge would mark the Proposal form's CCSC decision as "Disapproval". Under that circumstance, the status of the form would update to "COMPLETE", and the Investigator would receive an email notification that the Proposal form has been disapproved. Requests that have a disapproved CCSC decision cannot proceed further.
- The CCSC could make the determination that the Proposal form should receive full approval, under which the FDS Concierge would mark the Proposal form's CCSC decision as "Full Approval". Under that circumstance, the status of the form would update to "COMPLETE", and the Investigator would receive an email notification that the Proposal form received full approval. The FDS Concierge would coordinate further activities, including coordinating the distribution of the biospecimens (with the biospecimens banks).
This concludes the instructions for completing a Navigator request.
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